Международная ассоциация системных инженеров

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Международная ассоциация системных инженеров
The International Council on Systems Engineering
Дата основания:
Встречи, организованные General Dynamics в 1989 и Boeing в 1990
Действует в:
шесть регионов
Число членов:
более 60006000 чел. <br />

Международная ассоциация системных инженеров (англ. The International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE) - международная некоммерческая организация, ставящая своей целью развитие системной инженерии и повышение статус системных инженеров.

Введение[править | править код]

Founded in 1990, INCOSE has over six thousand members representing a broad spectrum – from student to senior practitioner, from technical engineer to program and corporate management, from science and engineering to business development. Members work together to advance their technical knowledge, exchange ideas with colleagues, and collaborate to advance systems engineering.

The organization's mission is to advance the state of the art and practice of systems engineering in industry, academia, and government by promoting interdisciplinary, scalable approaches to produce technologically appropriate solutions that meet societal needs.

INCOSE is governed by a Board of Directors. Its technical activities are led by a Technical Board with oversight over thirty-nine working groups operating under seven technical committees focused on Education & Research, Modeling & Tools, Process & Improvement, SE Management, SE Initiatives, Standards, and SE Applications. It publishes periodicals, manuals and instructional materials; sponsors conferences; develops standards; and works to promote education and registration of systems engineers.

История[править | править код]

The beginnings of INCOSE may be traced back to a meeting in 1989, hosted by General Dynamics at the University of California, San Diego, California.[1] The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the apparent shortage of qualified engineers who could think in terms of a total system—rather than just a specific discipline. In the summer of 1990, Boeing hosted a follow-up meeting at the Battelle Conference Center in Seattle, Washington. This meeting was attended by about 30 people, and shared similar concerns. The group adopted a charter, formed ad hoc committees to tackle the systems engineering issues, and formed the National Council on Systems Engineering (NCOSE). Harry Carlson from Lockheed, Jerry Lake from the Defense System Management College , and Brian Mar from the University of Washington were selected as the provisional co-chairpersons. More meetings and workshops were held in 1990 and 1991, sponsored by the Aerospace Corporation, IBM, and TRW.

The first NCOSE conference was held in cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) in Chattanooga, Tennessee in October 1991. Other conferences were held annually, at various locations in the United States.

In the summer of 1995, the organization officially changed its name to the International Council on Systems Engineering or INCOSE, to reflect the growing participation of professionals from ten different countries around the world. Eversince INCOSE has grown significantly. By the end of 2007 there were over six thousand members representing a broad spectrum – from student to senior practitioner, from technical engineer to program and corporate management, from science and engineering to business development.[2]

Членство[править | править код]

INCOSE is open to individuals, corporations, and academic institutions. There are three types of individual memberships: Regular, Student, and Senior.

INCOSE is organized into six geographic regions, with about 50 local chapters:

Region I: Northwest North America Region II: Southwest United States Region III: Europe, Israel, South Africa, Turkey Region IV: Northeast North America Region V: South America, Central America and South Eastern United States Region VI: Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East [edit] Past presidents 2006–2007 Paul Robitaille 2004–2005 Heinz Stoewer 2002–2003 John Snoderly 2001 John Clouet 2000 Donna H. Rhodes

1999 Kenneth Ptack 

1998 William Schoening 1997 Eric Honour 1996 Ginny Lentz 1995 James Brill

1994 George Friedman 

1993 Brian Mar 1992 Jerome Lake

Публикации и продукты[править | править код]

INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook Journal of Systems Engineering INSIGHT newsletter Metrics Guidebook for Integrated Systems and Product Development Systems Engineering Tools Database [edit] Standards INCOSE's International Council on Systems Engineering Standards Technical Committee (STC) is working to advance and harmonize systems engineering standards used worldwide. Some of the notable standards the STC has been involved with are:

Systems Engineering Part 1B: Requirements and process, 18 Nov 2004 Systems Engineering Part 6A: Functional and technical specifications, 09 Jan 2004 Systems Engineering Part 7A: Product data exchange, 25 August 2004 ISO/IEC 15288: 2002 - System Life Cycle Processes OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML), July 2006 [edit] References ^ Eric C. Honour (1999), "INCOSE: History of the International Council on Systems Engineering". In: Systems Engineering Vol 1, Iss 1 , Pages 4 - 13. ^ INCOSE overview, retrieved 7 May 2008. [edit] External links INCOSE INCOSE International Symposium 2008

Источник текста[править | править код]

Настоящий материал основан на переводе http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_on_Systems_Engineering статьи] из Википедии на английском языке.